This website provides users with general clinical information and contact information. This website may also provide an optional service of putting users in touch with service representative available only to residents of Alaska, USA. The services of this website will hereinafter collectively be referred to as clinical services
The following provisions define the contractual rights and obligations of the operator of the website, COTTONWOOD CREEK CLINIC, and the users of the website. user or users shall be defined as all individuals that access the website, it is located at the following URL: cottonwoodcreekclinic.com.
Use of the website constitutes full acceptance of these Terms And Conditions.
In case of any doubt regarding any of these Terms And Conditions, the user hereby acknowledges that the US Consumer Code and the customs in force in the USA e-commerce industry apply.
The company, COTTONWOOD CREEK CLINIC does not provide any legal advice.
Any access, use, subscriptions and/or purchases on the website are available only for legal entities and natural persons of full age and capacity.
COTTONWOOD CREEK CLINIC reserves the right to request proof of age from the user.
COTTONWOOD CREEK CLINIC may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend, limit or discontinue the website in order to update it or change its content.
The user hereby agrees to use the website solely for personal use and, in any event, not to use the website, the services or the content of the website for any illegal purpose, commercial purpose, advertising or spam.
For any questions or information about the products presented on the website or the website itself, or to report illegal content or activities, the user may send an email to: cottonwoodcreekclinicllc@yahoo.com.